Monday, May 12, 2008

sad but common

Children at Worship often receives emails such as the one below, and we try to respond to each. The letter that follows was written in response to a suggestion to peruse our website. We'd like to open this conversation, though, using this particular comment as a launching point. Let us know, is this your experience? Have you been able to make a difference? Is anyone listening?

When I looked at it at first I felt excited, then despairing. At our
church very well-intentioned ushers 'remind' parents who are bringing their
young children into the service that we have a nursery. Most of our kids
under 8 don't come to the service until communion. I would love to change this,
but I don't know where or how to begin. My responsibility is for the kids'
program during the Sunday school hour; I believe that any suggestions
that I made for changes in the service would not be well-received.